2112 Records
The home of Reset, Ten Days Late, Men'o Steel...very kick ass
Bad Taste Records
Punk/hardcore label from Sweden. Home of Satanic Surfers, The
Almighty Trigger Happy, Intensity, Pridebowl, Astream and many others
Circle Pit Records
An Edmonton-based record label
Drive-Thru Records
Mostly punk and Ska label from Southern California with bands
including Riverfenix, RxBandits, Mothermania, Allister, Last Summer, Caught
Inside, The Wrens, Cousin Oliver, Midtown. Plus we have a couple of comps
(pop/punk/ska/emo) with unreleased songs (Less Than Jake, The Broadways,
Goldfinger, nerf herder, Size14, Spacetwins (brian From Weezer) and lots more.
Endearing Records
A small independent pop label run by Blair and Dan in Winnipeg, Manitoba,Canada.
To date we've released music from B'ehl, Painted Thin, Cheerleader, The Bonaduces,
Melbourne, Australia's Clag, Australia's Laura Macfarlane (dragster, sleater-kinney,
sea haggs, clag) Under the Name of 99 and California's Ciao Bella
Flatbroke Cooperative
Co-op label from brandon manitoba Swiller, Iron Bacon,Somebody Else, New Quadro
G7 Welcoming Committee
Another kick ass label from Winnipeg with I-spy, ...but alive, Consolidated, Propagandhi...lots of very very cool punk shit
Hourglass Records
A really good label from Calgary, that has the bands Downway, Belvedere, Flipwreck and Showdown 76
Landspeed Records
B.C bands kick ass so this label does too
Meter Records
Straight outta Calgary, Alberta, home to One Shot Left, DGB, The Browns...
Mr. T Records
A small label from Calgary with bands like Alex P. Keatons... a cool ass comp too
Raw Energy
Ontario's prime label that is home to 5 Knuckle Chuckle, T.I.M, and a shit load of cool ass punk bands
Smallman Records
Based in Winnipeg, Smallman is a cool punk label with bands such as Choke, Guy Smiley, Layaway Plan, 12 Eyes, and Farley Mohawk
Sonic Unyon Records
Releases from Chore, Shallow North Dakota, Hayden and plenty, plenty more
Spawner Records
A super ass cool label from Langley thats has stuff from Wisecrack,Storebought, The Malchiks, The Retreads, The Cretins, plus really cool comps
Wrong Records
Nomeansno's label of cool punk shit